    Tip of the Day Blog
    The Web

More on the Power of Google


More on the Power of Google

Dictionary Definitions

To use Google to find dictionary definitions, enter your query into the search box as you would normally. Any or all parts of your query for which we have a dictionary definition will be underlined in the center text above our search results, as seen for the query "search" in the following example:

example:  Searched the web for search. Results 1 - 10 of about 227,000,000. Search took 0.08 seconds.

Clicking on the link for the word "search" will take you to the relevant definition from a dictionary provider, which has been selected solely on the basis of its quality. If you have a favorite dictionary source that you'd like to suggest that we use, please email us at


Google has added the convenience of US street address and phone number lookup to the information we provide through our search box. You'll see publicly listed phone numbers and addresses at the top of results pages for searches that contain specific kinds of keywords.

To find listings for a US business, type the business name into the Google search box, along with the city and state. Or type the business name and zip code. Entering the phone number with area code will also return a complete business listing.

To find listings for a US residence, type any of the following combinations into the Google search box:
  • first name (or first initial), last name, city (state is optional)
  • first name (or first initial), last name, state
  • first name (or first initial), last name, area code
  • first name (or first initial), last name, zip code
  • phone number, including area code
  • last name, city, state
  • last name, zip code

If your query results in business and residential listings, both categories will be listed for your convenience.

Street Maps

To use Google to find street maps, enter a U.S. street address, including zip code or city/ state (e.g. 165 University Ave Palo Alto CA), in the Google search box. Often, the street address and city name will be enough.

When Google recognizes your query as a map request, it will return links from high quality map providers that will lead you directly to the relevant map. These map providers have been selected solely on the basis of their quality. Please note that Google is not affiliated with the map information providers that are used.


To use Google's built-in calculator function, simply enter the expression you'd like evaluated in the search box and hit the Enter key or click the Google Search button. The calculator can evaluate mathematical expressions involving basic arithmetic (5+2*2 or 2^20), more complicated math (sine(30 degrees) or e^(i pi)+1), units of measure and conversions (100 miles in kilometers or 160 pounds * 4000 feet in Calories), and physical constants (1 a.u./c or G*mass of earth/radius of earth^2). You can also experiment with other numbering systems, including hexadecimal and binary.

These sample queries demonstrate the utility and power of this new feature:




Most strange errors in Windows can be fixed by merely rebooting.  If your computer starts doing weird things, before you call a customer support number or the office computer person, first reboot.  Your screen looks strange, your modem isn't working, a piece of software is frozen.....reboot.  It's not a wonder drug, but it's close.  Reboot, reboot, reboot.  In fact, the best way to start your work day is by walking in, rebooting your computer, and then getting a cup of coffee.  By the time you get your java fix, your computer will be back up and ready to go.


Using the Internet to Buy a Car (Part 4: eBay & Used Cars)

Using the Internet to Buy a Car (Part 4: eBay & Used Cars)

Another true story: I bought a five year old Audi A8 on eBay.  I am not suggesting eBay is the superior way to buy used cars, but it is another resource.  It was useful to me b/c there were no used A8s when I was looking for one.  However, as with any purchase on the Internet, you need to be careful, more so when making such a large purchase.  Here are the rules I suggest for a successful car purchase on eBay:

1.  Buy only from a person or company that has sold at least five other cars on eBay with positive feedback.
2.  They must accept an escrow service, at your expense and of your choosing  Will cost no more than 250.  Use eBay's escrow service to be totally safe (
3.  Seller must agree to let you inspect the car and allow you to return it. 
4.  Buy a report on the car from

Every one of these conditions is a deal breaker.  There have been scam artists out there who create their own escrow services.  Use only a widely recognized one.  The car I bought came from a company that had sold 60 plus cars on eBay and they gave me 7 days to inspect.  I gambled the shipping costs of $700 each way, but worth the risk b/c I got such a good price.  Shipping costs varies with distance obviously. 

Here's an article from

Using the Internet to Buy a Car (Part 3) - Warranty

Using the Internet to Buy a Car (Part 3)

You can save quite a bit of money buying after-market warranties from the Internet. Compare prices and features, here's a list of the leading after-market warranty companies. 

You can save quite a bit of money buying after-market warranties from the Internet. Compare prices and features, here's a list of the leading after-market warranty companies.  Make sure you compare apples to apples.  Look for the following features:
  • Bumper to Bumper coverage - a good after market warranty will cover everything except parts that wear out.
  • Deductible - most companies offer a plan with zero deductible
  • Direct pay - a good warranty will pay the mechanic directly, not require you to submit for reimbursement.
  • Transferability - make sure you can transfer the warranty with the car if you sell it.  This is a very attractive feature when selling your car used to a private party.  it is worthless if you trade it in.


Using the Internet to Buy a Car (Part 2) - Safety

Using the Internet to Buy a Car (Part 2)

Safety tests conducted by the IIHS:
By the government:
Crash tests from around the world:
Eurpoean crash tests: