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Suits on eBay


Suits on eBay

You already know there is almost nothing you can't buy on eBay.    You can even buy suits.  Since it is hard to gauge the quality of unknown brands, stick to brand names.  You can buy Brooks Brothers, Hugo Boss, Nino Cerutti, etc.  I have not shopped for women's suits, but I'm sure there are similar high-quality brands available.  Some suits are new, but most are used.  However, if you buy only from an experienced seller with a good rating, they sell only suits that are in excellent shape.  I have bought over 10 Brooks Brothers suits on eBay, all used, all in excellent shape, and have never paid over $60.  Add $20 or $30 for alterations, and you have an excellent suit that will last you years for under $100. 

Ebay allows you to search size, style and color.  My suggestion is to create the search that fits your needs, including searching only for particular name brands, "save the search," and ask eBay to send you an email everyday with any new suits that match your criteria.

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