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Finding and Install New Fonts


 Finding and Install New Fonts

By Brandon Watts

Q: I'm starting to experiment with graphic design. I know that I can expand my font collection, but where can I go to download some cool fonts, and how do I install them?

A: Despite the rather numerous amount of fonts available on your system, it can be easy to grow weary of using your favorites over and over again. If you're doing a lot of type editing in your designs, it only makes sense to grab some more fancy looking fonts. There is a rather large community of sites that feature free fonts for download. Here are a few that you may want to take a look at:

The next step after downloading some groovy new fonts is to install them. This task is simple - just go to your Start menu and open up the Control Panel. Double-click the Fonts icon in the Control Panel. You'll then see a window that lists all of the fonts that are already installed on your system. To add your new fonts, just go to the File menu at the top and select Install New Font. From there you just select where you extracted your fonts from the zip file, choose the ones that you want to install, and click OK. You could also extract the fonts directly to your Fonts folder in your Windows or WINNT directory. Programs such as Word and Photoshop will now display the recently installed fonts.

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