Internet Movie Database

Internet Movie Database
My wife says I am getting forgetful in my old age. I insist that my brain is simply full. Nevertheless, for those times when you see someone on TV or in a movie, and you're racking your brain trying to figure out what movie you once saw them in.......the Internet Movie Database (IMDB for short). Located at Movie Database
You can search by actor's name, movie title, director, writer, producer, character's name; you name it, you can search by it. It tells you the locations of filming, the soundtrack, memorable quotes, goofs, trivia, and tons of other information about any movie or TV program. It even rates movies. When you're viewing a particular movie, clicking on an actor's name gets you a list of every movie and TV program the actor appeared in, bio information, pictures, websites dedicated to the actor, which of the actor's movies are being shown on TV this month, and much more.
ADDENDUM to yesterday's tip: Several readers asked if I knew anyone who had used ZoneLD. I have been using ZoneLD for over a year. The call quality is excellent. I wouldn't recommend the service if I didn't use it. Also, you don't need to dial any additional numbers to use their service, just pick up the phone and dial. The service is set up completely over the Internet. You get your bills via email and can review all calls made on their website.