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Using Spanish Language Tools in Word

Spanish deserves checking


Q: I would like to get a Spanish spell checker for my home computer. I have Microsoft Word at home, but no Spanish spell-checker. Thanks for your help.
A: You should be able to get Spanish spell checking to work in the latest versions of Microsoft Word. The U.S. versions of Office 2000, Office XP and Office 2003 can spell check in English, Spanish and French and can even give you country-specific spell checking for Argentina, Colombia, Mexico, etc. Look under Tools . . . Language . . . Set Language.

Earlier versions can be made to spell check the same way, but you may have to add a custom dictionary under Tools . . . Options . . . Spelling and Grammar. It doesn't seem like an easy process, and you might want to resort to a program called Proofing Tools that appears to have been bought out by Microsoft, but originally made a program for spell checking Spanish and other languages for Office 97 and earlier versions. Some places still seem to be selling it if you search on the phrases ''proofing tools'' and ''office 97'' in your favorite search engine.

For more info see:;en-us;309358&sd=tech
I would like to get a Spanish spell checker for my home computer. I have Microsoft Word at home, but no Spanish spell-checker. Thanks for your help.
A: You should be able to get Spanish spell checking to work in the latest versions of Microsoft Word. The U.S. versions of Office 2000, Office XP and Office 2003 can spell check in English, Spanish and French and can even give you country-specific spell checking for Argentina, Colombia, Mexico, etc. Look under Tools . . . Language . . . Set Language.Earlier versions can be made to spell check the same way, but you may have to add a custom dictionary under Tools . . . Options . . . Spelling and Grammar. It doesn't seem like an easy process, and you might want to resort to a program called Proofing Tools that appears to have been bought out by Microsoft, but originally made a program for spell checking Spanish and other languages for Office 97 and earlier versions. Some places still seem to be selling it if you search on the phrases ''proofing tools'' and ''office 97'' in your favorite search engine.For more info see:

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