Gadget Gifts II

Tape Measure Kitchen Timer


The ?glow brick? is a light bulb set in a clear solid brick. Simply set the bulb near sunlight and it?ll soak up whatever juice it needs to make a decent night light once darkness takes over. Only $45 and available now (including shipping, no less!), this might be just the thing you need to add to your quirky light-toys collection.
Glow Brick Night Light

The Underwater Tank is an aquarium with a reverse periscope, allowing you to peer into the hearts and souls of your fish, with a feeder positioned right near the scope?s lens, letting you watch them eat. The periscope lets you inspect your fish at their own level, and a fish feeder has been positioned right by the scope?s lens, so you can watch your fish feed. Use slow gentle movements so you don?t create turbulence in the water and disturb or frighten your fish.