TechnoEsq » The Best Bluetooth Headset

Posted by Finis Price under Gadgets , Technology , OfficeMuch like every attorney, I’ve gone through my fair share of Bluetooth headsets for my cellphone over the years. I’ve used the Plantronics Voyager 510 and the Motorola H700 among others and I have been disappointed with every one. It makes it impossible to call other attorneys or insurance adjusters on the road, much less return calls to your clients. So when I came home last week from Louisville’s new Apple Store carrying yet another Apple bag my wife knew something was amiss. Of course, explaining to her that I just spent another ~$100 on yet another didn’t help matters. Enter the Jawbone into the scene. The name, fearsome sounding compared to the Voyager 510 or the H700, didn’t seem to elicit any better arguments to my wife on the expenditure, but I persevered with the “better to hear you with” argument. I wasn’t disappointed.
How it works
As you can see from this demo at Jawbone’s website, this headset has a built-in filter called the “Noise Shield” which measures the ambient sound in the call and digitally removes the background noise leaving your caller with nothing but your voice. You have to see this demo to believe it! I was so impressed with this demo that it compelled me to face my wife sure in the knowledge that she would be awed by the ability to actually hear me while I was in the car on my cellphone.
There are only two buttons on the Jawbone, the volue is controlled by the large screen button (press once to raise volume and twice to lower) and a button towards the rear of the unit for power. It is a simple headset to use and does what every headset should do, focus on making clear calls, not looking sexy. It is very comfortable for its size; compared to Apple’s Bluetooth Headset the Jawbone is a behemoth. The Jawbone comes with three size for the earpiece as well as for the ear-loop, so if you have small ears like I do, you’ll find it comforting to know it is adjustable.
Take note, I just publicly announced my preference for a non-Apple product.
The demo isn’t exaggerating
What I can tell you is that the Jawbone is by far the best bluetooth headset I have ever used. I don’t know whether it is the metal shield covering the microphone which doubles as a volume button or the internal microchip developed by DARPA, but what I do know is the thing works. Of course knowing I have technology developed by the Department of Defense aiding me in making my phone calls makes me feel cool, but that’s just lagniappe.
Driving in my Jeep Cherokee with over-sized tires (you can imagine the road noise) with the air-conditioner on full-blast made it impossible to make wireless phone calls while driving before the Jawbone. Now, most people are shocked to hear that I am even in the car when I tell them where I am as we converse.
Buy itMy advise is to buy this headset. Your wife will thank you, your client’s will assuredly thank you, your mother will thank you, heck, even the Chinese guy at your favorite take-out spot will thank you for not making your order an annoying lesson in conversing with someone in a wind-tunnel.
Did I mention it works great with my iPhone?