CleanUp! (Windows) - Lifehacker

Download of the Day: CleanUp! (Windows)
Windows only: Hard drive clearing manager CleanUp! frees up space on your disk by deleting temporary files and other unnecessary space hogs.
Operation is dead easy; after backing up your hard drive, just hit the CleanUp! button. If you’re not willing to let CleanUp! do its thing without checking in on it first, run it in demo mode to view a full list of files it will clear. On my relatively clean and new Vista machine, the CleanUp! demo said it could free up 400MB of space, which was much more than I expected. If you need to do more than just clear out temporary files, get a map of your disk space usage. CleanUp! is a free download, Windows only. Thanks, BostonMark! — Gina Trapani
CleanUp! [via All Things Marked]
Source: Download of the Day: CleanUp! (Windows) - Lifehacker