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Moving Images Behind Text

Summary: You can control the order in which graphics appear in your document. (This tip works with Microsoft Word 6, Word 95, Word 97, Word 2000, Word 2002, and Word 2003.)

Word allows you to place all sorts of graphic images in your documents. Many times you may want to place the images behind the text. Exactly how you do this depends on the type of images with which you are working. If you are working with an image you created by using the Drawing toolbar, you can follow these steps if you are using Word 97 or a later version:

  1. Select the image.
  2. Choose the Order option from the Draw menu on the Drawing toolbar. Word displays a submenu.
  3. Choose Send Behind Text from the submenu. The image should move behind the text.

If you are using Word 6 or Word 95, you can follow these steps using the Drawing toolbar:

  1. Select the image.
  2. Click on the Send Behind Text tool on the Drawing toolbar. The image should move behind the text.

If you are using any other kind of image (perhaps one you have inserted from a graphics file) and you are using Word 97 or a later version, then the process is different:

  1. Select the image. The Picture toolbar should appear. (If the toolbar doesn't appear, select Toolbars from the View menu and choose the Picture toolbar.)
  2. Click on the Text Wrapping tool on the toolbar. Word displays a list of wrapping methods you can choose.
  3. Choose the None option.

It is possible at this point that your text may now be visible over the top of your image. If it is not, follow the same steps you used for the images created with the Drawing toolbar.

Topics: Moving Images Behind Text - |2008-03-09|

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