Roost - full MLS real estate listings

Roost - full MLS real estate listings
In the online real estate market, we already have Trulia and Zillow, but a new player is emerging that should be looked at. Roost is an easy to use, lean website that gives you easy access to real estate listings in specific markets. The site has forged agreements with various Multiple Listing Services (MLS) throughout the country to give users a high volume of listings to look through. What sets Roost apart is it's simplicity and easy to use map to nail down your intended geographic region.
At this time, a few of the the areas covered by Roost include Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Philadelphia, San Diego, and Washington, D.C, among others.
This approach of using MLS data is a new. Redfin is also a site that uses MLS data - information that used to be closed off from the web by the MLS providers. For those trying to avoid dealing with Realtors, for sale by owner properties are also displayed on Roost. Roost's easy to use interface includes the ability to quickly view photos, and easy sliders for filtering your list of homes based on price, bedroom count, square feet, etc.
If you're looking to buy or sell a home, add Roost to your list of web resources.