Create a family tree with Geni

Creating a family tree seems like a boring thing to do. Don’t get me wrong, its great to know where you’ve come from, but jotting it down on paper or in a massive, messy Excel document are not that appealing. Enter Geni. Michael Arrington broke the news on this intuitive family tree tool created entirely in Flash last week, and it just launched on Tuesday. Geni is like a living organism that beautifully expands your family information, and molds in to others on the web. Its ultimate goal is to create a family tree of the world. When you start to enter your information, you have the option of entering email addresses for each person added. Geni will then send out the tree to them as well. They add their data, thus expanding the tree further. It’s a far cry from the pen and paper most trees are created on, and also much more interesting to navigate through.