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Set Word AutoRecovery to a Dropbox Location

Set AutoRecovery to a Dropbox Location for Double-Strength Backups

imageThe AutoRecovery (or auto-save) feature in Microsoft Office is great for recovering documents when the program crashes, but if you want to be absolutely certain that backup has a home, change the default location of those save files to your Dropbox (or other cloud storage) folder.

The only time you really need AutoRecovery is when something goes bad. Microsoft Office has a really simple procedure for changing the location in all its programs and all you need to do is change that location to your file syncing service of choice. This is just as applicable to any program you use that automatically saves data. If you're working on a project that's incredibly important, this is a good way to add an extra layer of protection.

Set AutoRecovery to a Dropbox Location for Double-Strength Backups

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